Saturday, October 31, 2009

hot teen gaving blow job

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

More Drama For Sarah Palin! Bristol's Baby Daddy To Pose Nude For Playgirl!

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water!!!!

What exactly is posing ”au natural” in Playgirl supposed to accomplish for Levi Johnston??  And Levi’s “manager” is totally behind him making a complete fool out of himself. 

One would think a “manager” would have enough sense to realize this is not that way to have any long-lasting career.  Make a quick buck and disappear back into obscurity is more like it.  Enjoy your 15 minutes Levi because that’s about all you are going to get.   The only career option this kind of move leaves someone is to make “movies” of the pornographic variety.   This will be a FULL frontal shoot.  No strategically placed footballs etc… per the “manager”.  Levi is lettin’ it all hang out. 

So many idiots…so little time.

VIVA LA MARANADA..................

Bueno que seria del internet sin el porno, y pues esa mostaza no se iva a quedar atras, les advierto que este es un post de pura maranada, asi que solo relajen un poco sus ojitos y disfruten de esta exquisita seleccion de cosas puercas jajajaja.

Pues yo la verdad pense que solo era pura vacilada la noticia de marge simpson en la revista playboy, ese hizo como un sucio truco de publicidad o algo asi como del diablo, pero realmente me puse a pensar y no esta nada mal y realmente marge simpson se me ase de los personajes mas sexi-animados sin intension de serlo que se merece aparecer en esta publicacion.

Bueno despues de un poco de porno animado y tal ves decilucion de unos,  deseos sexual cumplidos de otros pues sigamos con este post dedicado a ese sentimiento tan puro, tan humano y tan intenso, que es la maranada.

Aqui tambien les deje un par  de bellas fotos para de la feria de San Fermin 2009, que aprovecho para declararme completamente en contra de las corridas de toros y de este tipo de eventos , y  que ademas dejo de manifiesto que ya me dio curiosidad el ir a domar a las tremendas fieras que encuentras ahi  OLEEEE………….

Y pues nada mejor como para cerrar este post marano que el video porno de RAMMSTEIN PUSY.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Un linda emo del Metroflog

Esos labios se me antojan para… ummm….

La foto del recuerdo en el baño de la escuela

¡Que grandotes se te ven… los ojos!

“La posicion doggy style es mi favorita”

“Esta rubia es mi chiquita, y no, no hacemos trios, ni preguntes”

“Con este vestido perdi mi virginidad en mi fiesta de quince años”

¡Je,je…Si! Gracias a la magia negra y maligna del interne’ podemos disfrutar de la belleza a nivel internacional. Como el de esta argentinita de pispiretos ojitos tentadores, que, aunque se hace llamar punk, a leguas se nota que es una niña cachonda que adopto la moda emo, y que le gusta presumir sus encantos en la red. Gracias princesa, y cuando alguna vez vayamos a tu pais, vamos a buscarte para darte unos besos y lamiditas en donde se puedan dar (y donde no se puedan, tambien) ¡A webo!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

One Hot Mama

Two weeks after the expected passing of my eighth and ninth stepfather and his funeral that was fittingly held on Memorial Day since he was a world war II veteran. I still hadn’t found the right two legged dear with whom to mate with. In order to reaffirm that life does indeed go on as well as to sate my lust and relieve the  stress caused by my stepfathers timely death and brought on by being there for my mother.

It wasn’t until I met the brown haired and well endowed thirty something single mother and looked deeply into her green eyes. Who lived two houses down in the curve of the cul de sac from my mothers home near Stone Mountain. When I went to visit both my mother and her ninety-five year old aunt (the only surviving member of my maternal progenitors family since the rest of their family were resting quietly in their graves) and her sixty year old son. Both of whom had decided to make the journey up from the sunshine state of Florida. In order to spend the upcoming hurricane season in my mother’s home, so as not to risk the distinct possibility of being quite literally blown away.

That I knew instantly and from the very first moment that I’d laid eyes on my mothers lovely and well endowed neighbor. That at long last my search for the perfect two legged dear with whom I desperately needed to mate with was over. While unknown and unnoticed by my mother, great aunt and her son a tiny spark electrical energy. Leaped between my maternal progenitor’s brown haired and well endowed neighbor and myself when I took her hand. As my unsuspecting maternal progenitor introduced us for the very first time even as she dropped the hint that I was both currently single and very much available.

For a moment that seemed like an eternity to myself and the little hot mama who lived down the street from my mother in the curve of the cul de sac. But appeared to last only a second or two to everybody else in the room. As my maternal progenitor’s brown haired and well endowed neighbor stood there gazing into each others eyes. Not only did the dagger of my manhood become as hard as a rock as it began to throb. With the desire to taste the little hot mama’s wetness even as the palms of my hands ached to cup the luscious fruit of her ripe breasts. Even as I watched the honeydew melons of her breasts firm up and the headlights of her nipples switched on. As they hardened and her sexual suddenly caused them to poke through the white ribbed tank top my maternal progenitor’s neighbor was watching.

Fortunately the hot little mama used the excuse of having to set up the computer she’d just bought at the one of the local electronic department stores. To take her leave a few minutes later which gave my unsuspecting mother the opening she needed in order to play her self appointed role of match maker. By offering to have me go back home with her brown haired and well endowed thirty something neighbor and give her a hand. Which of course I was more than happy to do and the hot little mama, who was becoming increasing wet between her well toned and silky smooth thighs, was more then glad to accept our combined of technical assistance.

Thanks to my expertise with electronics in general and personal computers in particular. It only took just over an hour to get my mother’s brown haired and well endowed thirty something neighbors computer up and running. Who sat there in front of her computer screen reading my erotic journal located on the world wide web known to one and all as the internet. That I’d mentioned to her and the hot little mama had expressed an interest in reading as we walked over to her home located in the curve of the cul de sac. As I sat down on the couch in the single mother’s, whose children were attending a summer camp till the end of the week, livingroom and read the latest edition of Atlanta Journal and Constitution newspaper.

A short time later just as I’d finished reading another one of Leonard Pitts’ misandrist and racist diatribes the editors of the AJC likes to publish. My maternal progenitor’s brown haired and well endowed thirty something neighbor appeared in front of me. Then without any warning what so ever as I looked up and set the newspaper aside. The hot little mama cried out, “So you like boobs do ya!” as she hopped up onto my lap her long and slender legs straddling my lap as she nearly knocked the breath out of me.

Where without the slightest bit of hesitation the extremely hot single mother pulled off the white ribbed tank top she was wearing. Off over her head after which the hot little mama yanked off her Ellie May slingshot without even bothering to unfasten the  clasp holding the cups of her bra together. Then after dropping her clothing onto the floor where both her tank top and her Ellie May slingshot lay out of the way and by now utterly forgotten.

The extremely hot mom reached out and encircled my neck with her arms even as she thrust the honeydew melons of her ripe and firm breasts. Directly onto my face as she intentionally pulled me down into the deep and luscious valley of her magnificent cleavage. Taking me completely by surprise not that I would have dared to resist my maternal progenitor’s neighbor’s sexual advances had I been in a position to do so.

Going with the flow naturally I did what any self respecting brown haired and sky blue eyed two legged dear hunter would do in my place. Which was to reach around and cup the ovals of the hot single mothers cute little ass within the palms of my hands. In order to both help support my maternal progenitor’s weight as well as to hold her in place on me lap. Even as my lips, mouth and tongue proceeded to explore, climb and tease the luscious valley that lay between the hot little mama’s ripe breasts. As well as to climb the mountains of her bosom and alternately lick and suck the cherries of her nipples. Ravishing the hot single mother’s melon sized breasts to my hearts content as she sat there creaming in the intimate garment of her panties right there on top of my lap.

Nor did I stop ravishing the mountains of my maternal progenitor’s brown haired and well endowed thirty something neighbor breasts. Until I’d gotten my money’s worth and then with one swift movement I climbed to my feet. Holding the hot little mama securely within my arms who clung to my neck as I carried her through the house and into the sanctuary and privacy of her bedroom.

Where after laying the hot little mama down on top of her bed I proceeded to pull off both her blue jean cutoffs and her panties. The latter of which I stuffed into my pants pocket before pulling off  all of my own clothes. After which I joined my maternal progenitor’s brown haired and well endowed thirty something neighbor between the clean and fresh satin sheets of her bed. Then spent the rest of the evening and most of the night wrestling with the hot little mama as we intentionally made each other cum again and again and then some more. By taking turns riding each other to our hearts content until at last utterly spent, yet no where near completely sated, the hot little mama and I fell asleep in each other arms.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Barely Beige Babe

Nude lips, especially those buttery soft tones are like plain old English tea to me – indispensable, basic, comforting.

The trick to wear nude /beige without looking “washed out” is to select the right undertone. I find blue / pink undertone most unforgiving; thus i always stick to those with mauve  or brownish hue.

I loves my Bobbi Brown Nude palette, unfortunately it was a limited edition item. It contains:

Bare, Beige, Brownie Pink & Cocoa lip colours – I mix & blend these, sometimes with concealers to achieve my perfectly customised barely there nude tones.

Buff  & Nude Shimmer Wash, Bare  & Naked eye shadows – great for subtle eye make over.

I also find beige lips with creamy /glossy finish more contemporary than those with matte or frosty  finish. I always couple barely there lips with a healthy flush of bronzer over the cheeks.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hot Young Vampire Diaries Actresses Flashing in Public

Some seriously hot young actresses from the CW show “The Vampire Diaries” were arrested after police that should have been chasing rapists and drug dealers said they were dangling off a Georgia overpass and flashing drivers.

Not just one but several dumb asses actually called 911 on Aug. 22, 2009 to report seeing the young women flashing drivers on I-75 from the side of the Rumble Road overpass just north of Macon.

Deputies rushed right over when they heard teen girls were hanging and flashing from the Rumble Road Bridge.  When the police arrived they found five females and a male standing on the bridge.

When informed of the complaints, the incredibly lucky guy that was with the girls (Shields) told the police that he was a photographer and was engaged in a photo shoot for a television show.  One of the officers checked the cameras and found various images of the female actresses sitting, straddling and hanging on the bridge in various poses.

How messed up is it that?  In a country where you can watch a show graphically and realistically depict a human being filleted alive on prime time television, fuck wad’s call the police on some young girls who just wanted to make their day.  Seriously, instead of getting all offended and spazzing out, those drivers should have been honored.

The police should have ticketed the drivers for wasting their time.  Instead dick head deputies arrested cameraman Tyler Shields, 27, and actresses, Nina Dobrev, 20, Sara Canning, 22, Kayla Ewell, 24, Krystal Vayda, 23, and Candice Accola, 22.

They were charged with disorderly conduct and released on bond.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Mas bellezas del Metrolog

Chiquita, al verte, esto es lo primero que se me viene a la mente

¿Ya vieron? ¡Se le esta saliendo una, ja ja ja! 

Ummm… deliciosa…. 

“Espero que no se note que no me rasure la axila” 

“¡Soy tan bonita que deslumbro!”

“¿Queires que te enseñe mi otro peluchito?” 

“Son $500 mas el cuarto mi rey” 

“Creo que este es mi mejor angulo” 

Clasica pose de : “Estoy bien buena y quiero que te hagas pajas pensando en mi” 

“Si el profe de matematicas no me quiere aprovar, con esta foto hasta diez me va a poner”

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Getting Laid in Deep Space: Autumn

It wasn’t until the evening of the second day of my assignment that I got my first inkling of the quite unexpected sexual adventures waiting for me just on the horizon. While I was relaxing in the stateroom assigned to me by the lovely raven haired and full bosom goddess who was both the commander of the small space

station as well as my erstwhile employer. Wearing nothing else but my favorite pair of boxer shorts that sported the pictures of little candy hearts with mushy  sayings printed on them. I was sitting with my back to the sliding hatch (which I’d also failed to lock an oversight that in the coming nights I was quite willing to repeat) in front of my portable holographic computer terminal that was linked into the main computer bank. That controlled the modest size courier class starship I owned (which now sat nestled within the confines of the shuttle bay of Oceana’s only weather and traffic control space station) editing my latest book of erotic poetry and sexual fantasies that was due to be published within just a few upcoming and all too short weeks.

Lost in thought and throughly engrossed in editing my book to which I’d decided to add a few more poems in order to round it out and as well as make it a bit more appealing to my loyal readers. I didn’t hear the nearly silent hatch slide open and close nor realize that one of my employer’s lovely and full bosom assistants had stepped into the stateroom assigned to me. Until after nearly jumping out of my skin when I felt someone’s cool hands settle down upon the naked curves of my shoulders as they sought to get my undivided attention. A goal quite easily attained as I spun around in my chair and prepared to defend myself from my unknown assailant only to come face to face with the brown haired goddess known as Autumn.

Autumn and I had just spent most of the afternoon together within the well appointed and highly advanced holographic chamber located on the second level of the space station orbiting Oceana. Where I’d both programmed and operated the floating anti-gravity camera remote’s as I took picture after picture of the naked twenty-one year old nubile goddess. After she’d willingly shucked off her clothes and began striking pose after pose in the various locations both public and private being projected inside the highly sophisticated holographic chamber. As well as filmed a couple of trial scenarios of Autumn strutting her stuff as she got hot and bothered for the camera lens causing me to become sexually aroused as well even though I thought that I’d done a fairly good job of hiding it from her. Through as it would turn later that evening I apparently hadn’t done as good a job of hiding either my arousal nor my natural inclination yet indecent though not quite forbidden desire to bed her right then and there.

Having spun me around one hundred and eighty degrees once again Autumn grasped both of my shoulders with her hands; as I started to rise up off of the seat of the ergonomic chair upon which my ass just happened to be sitting at that moment. As the lovely buxom lass bent over slightly in order to prevent me from regaining my feet using both her weight and feminine wiles to push downwards back onto the seat of the ergonomic chair. Then plopped her cute and tight little ass down upon my lap as her long, shapely and well toned legs straddling both my lap and the chair upon which I was sitting. The entire weight of Autumn’s curvaceous body coming to rest upon the tops of my legs since the height of the chair was set too high for the bottoms of her bare feet to touch the deck. So that Autumn’s clean shaven and silky smooth legs and feet ended up swinging back and forth a few times as the presumptuous daughter of both mother nature and the goddess of love made herself comfortable.

The plunging neckline of the black wraparound dress that Autumn was wearing provided me with a spectacular view of the luscious valley of cleavage. That lay serenely between the more than  ample orbs of the brown haired girls ripe melon sized breasts perched upon the explicit plateau of her chest.  Of course I had already much more of Autumn than she was presently showing and I suspected that I was about to see much more in just another moment or two. So I wasn’t the least bit surprised when the twenty-one year old daughter of both mother nature and the goddess of love reached up and slipped first one arm and then the other out of the short sleeves of her black evening dress. Nor the least bit embarrassed when the tip of the one eyed little head resting upon the end of the stiffening lance. Of my male sexual organ began poking hungrily up against the protective lips of Autumn’s labia after it managed to escape. The cottony confines of my boxer shorts as it grew nearly as hard as a rock and leaped upwards between the luscious curves of my unexpected visitors thighs.

Then after pushing the cottony fabric of the top of her black wrap around dress down around her waist. Autumn looked into the depths of my sky blue eyes and graced me with her best come hither too look as she intentionally smiled seductively at me. Even as the twenty-one year old brown haired and full bosomed goddess reached down and grabbed both of my hands with her long and slender fingers. Which Autumn then lifted upwards and placed directly beneath the twin orbs of her melon sized breasts and gently laid them within the palms of my hands. Then leaned over and whispered huskily into my right ear, “You make me so damn horny.” as my fingers gently squeezed the luscious orbs of my unexpected, though welcome, visitors breasts. While both of my thumbs came to rest upon the bright headlights of Autumn’s stiffening teats as her nipples hardened in the cool conditioned air of the stateroom to which I’d been assigned.

Taking full advantage of the situation I’d suddenly found myself involved through no fault of my own. I sat there throughly enjoying fondling with my hands the ripe melons of Autumn’s mountainous breasts as she braced herself with one arm around my neck while reaching down between my legs with the her other hand. Where the brown haired and full bosomed daughter of both mother nature and the goddess of love lightly grasped the swollen lance of my manhood. Then lifted my rock hard and throbbing shaft upwards slightly, just enough, to let the tip of my little head slide into the welcoming warmth of the velvety sheath of her love canal.

Eager to cooperate any way that I possibly could I let go of my unexpected visitor’s left breast and reached down underneath the  ergonomic chair upon which Autumn and I were perched. Where with my right hand I lifted up the handle release that controlled the height of the chair causing the seat to suddenly slide down the shaft as it fell towards the carpeted deck. A split second later Autumn cried out as the entire length of my rock hard and throbbing shaft of my male sexual organ forcefully spread the walls of her womanhood apart as it slide upwards into her hot and wet pussy. When the sudden change in our position caused the brown haired and full bosomed goddess to slide further down onto my lap; as the carpeted deck of my assigned stateroom rushed upwards to tickle bottoms of my unexpected visitor’s bare feet.

Throwing both of her arms around my neck Autumn pulled me closer until I could feel the hardened tips of her nipples graze lightly against the skin of my chest. Even as I let go of the melon sized orbs of Autumn’s ripe breasts in order to allow both of my hands to slide around to her backside. Where the palms of my hands slid ever so slowly down Autumn’s back and over the luscious curves of the twenty-one year old girls hips. Until at last the twin ovals of Autumn’s cute and tight little ass lay cupped securely within the palms of my hands as I supported my unexpected visitor in order to keep from falling backwards off of my lap. As the daughter of mother nature and the goddess of love began pushing herself up and  down as she rocked back and forth on my lap. With her feet now firmly planted onto the deck beneath us Autumn was able to freely rise and fall as to my utter delight. As the horny goddess continued to impale herself upon the rock hard and throbbing shaft of my male sexual organ again and again and then a whole lot more as I held her partially clad but mostly nude body within the safe harbor of my arms.

Again and again Autumn bounced up and down on my lap like the red rubber ball I used to play with as a child. As the brown haired and full bosomed daughter of mother nature and the goddess of love continued to rock my world. While my lips nibbled at the soft delicate curves of her neck, face and the rose petals of soft and full lips as we made out like a pair of bonitos for whom  there would be no more tomorrow’s. The walls of my assigned stateroom echoing with Autumn’s sigh, moans and cries of ecstasy until at last the rock hard and throbbing lance of my male sexual organ could no longer contain itself. So that my manhood had no other choice but to leap for joy within the welcoming warmth of my unexpected visitor’s hot and wet pussy again and again and then a whole lot more. As a full load of my baby batter splashed up against Autumn’s cervix and surged forth upwards into the hidden depths of her fertile womb.

Only time would tell if the seeds I’d planted inside Autumn’s loins that evening when she came to my assigned stateroom, of her own free will, would take root and eventually develop into a new sentient being. But for the moment the two of us sat there on the chair in front of the built in desk as we caught our breaths and waited for our rapidly beating hearts to stop racing like a couple of shuttle craft racing each other through the solar system.

Nor did I let Autumn escape so easily as I gripped the twin orbs of her cute and tight little ass with my fingers when she started to climb off of my lap. As I stood up onto my feet and carried the partially clad brown haired and full bosomed goddess  over to the unmade bed that sat across from the built in desk within my assigned stateroom. Where beneath the sheets the twenty-one year old daughter of both  mother nature and the goddess of love found herself hooting and hollering once again and then a whole lot more. As we took turns riding, humping and banging the ever living daylights out of  each other throughout the night until at last we fell into a deep and throughly exhausted sleep within each other arms. Yet by the time my alarm went off and it was time to crawl once more out of the warm cocoon of the bedcovers like a will-o’-the-wisp Autumn had already disappeared so that once again I found myself alone but not the least bit lonely.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Model Photographic & Sydney Plans

I went to Sydney over the weekend, came back to Coffs yesterday. I did two shoots while there, the weather was apalling so I had to postpone two others I had planned. Here are some samples of the work I did with Model Photographic:

More to come later.

In the meantime I’m trying to find a house in Sydney because I will be moving there for study, but it is bloody hard. Everything is so expensive, I live in a 3 bedroom housse by myself and could get a single ROOM in Sydney for how much I pay here! Ridiculous! If anyone has suggestions or recommendations do leave me a comment here where to find a great place for great value.

I bought some more clothes at the central coast, will post some pictures of them later, and my hair volumiser also arrived so I will snap some shots using that too to show you what I mean. No work done on the forums, been way too busy with photos, finding a house and travelling.

I got to see my man in Sydney which was great, I miss him so much when I’m not with him and I always have to wait a month or so before I get to see him due to his work schedule! It sucks! He told me that he saw some attractive guys at the hotel he is staying that he thought would service me well. If his father weren’t staying there for work too, who knows, we could have scouted for a nice man to play with.  He got so wet and hard at the idea, it was delicious.

That’s all the news for now. Will be having my hair and nails redone soon for a magazine shoot with Picture and People. I will be doing a solo and girl/girl shoot with a lovely model I have previously shot girl/girl with. You can see her below.

Will let you know how that goes. Until next time lovelies!

Ciao xox

Monday, October 12, 2009

Yadira Gianola, vocalista de Nikki Clan, mostrando sus piernotas con una microfalda en concierto

¿De pura casualidad han tenido la mala suerte de escuchar a esa mierda de grupo prefabricado y dizque punk rock llamado Nikki Clan? Lo mas probable es que si, pues es uno de los grupos mas populares entre la niñas y entre algunos entes que se llaman a si mismos hombres (como los emos, bleeegghhh).

Estos terroristas sonoros antes se hacian llamar Los Piltrafas, intentaban ser “punks” pero como que nomas no pegaban, pero, de repente, se les aparecio un hado padrino en forma de ejecutivo de disquera, el cual les ofrecio grabarles un disco, con la condicion de que metieran como vocalista a su amante, una putilla que buscaba el exito al puro estilo Televisa: Dandoles las nalgas a cuanto encorbatado encontraba para subir peldaños.

Y asi, de la noche a la mañana, estos cabrones sin gusto musical amancieron famosos y su nauseabunda musica estaban en todos lados. ¡Puta madre, y uno que pinche culpa tenia!

Claro, el mundo del rock les dio la espalda despues de mentarles la madre, pero el pop, esa puta, les abrio las piernas y en esas mierdosas aguas se han movido siempre. Lo malo de su musica, la mediocridad de sus integrandes y lo insoportable de su vocalista poco importa cuando te respalda alguien con dinero.

Sin embargo, entre toda esa revoltura fecal se puede encontrart algo bueno. Y es que la zorrita berreante llamada Yadira Gianola esta bastante follable. Y ella lo sabe (si no, no estaria donde esta) y en cada presentacion trata de distraer la atencion de lo asqueroso de su propuesta hacia ese tremendo par de piernas que madre natura le dio. Y nomas eso tienen de interesante estre grupusculo. Sin la guarra vocalista con pinta de puta popera, no son nada. Y menos rockeros. Y mucho, pero mucho menos punks…. la neta!!!¡Ja,ja,ja, valen verga!

Yadira, asi es la unica forma en que mostrarias tu verdadero talento

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Going to the Gallery

New art gallery shows open almost every week in this town. They’re everywhere, from midtown to Chelsea to Tribeca to SoHo to Brooklyn. Some of them are worth seeing, others not so much. But I am particularly excited for the show about to open next week at the Alex Adam Gallery in Harlem.

Just the show’s theme is something wonderfully different. It’s called “Artists and Monitors – Showcasing work of three of New York’s most extraordinary contemporary figurative artists, and the painters who are and have been privileged to be their assistants.” How great is that? As a model, I can tell you firsthand that art class monitors are invaluable to the teachers. Not only do they attend to practical details, like studio setups and pose timing, but they forge a special bond with the instructors, often developing a mentor/protege relationship. Monitors work incredibly hard both at keeping the class running smoothly and at perfecting their own art. They take on a lot of responsibility, and that’s why the premise of this Artists and Monitors show is a well-deserved recognition for these gifted assistants.

The three featured New York artists are Sharon Sprung, Mary Beth McKenzie, and Costa Vavagiakis. I have worked with all of them. I’m also honored to know and have posed for, almost all of the featured monitors. But it is Janet Cook, monitor for Sharon Sprung, talented artist, and very dear friend of mine, with whom I am closest and have worked for privately for well over a year. Janet has the soul of a surrealist, one of the many things I love about her. Her artistic vision is consistently ambitious, imaginative, and original. From a model’s standpoint, those qualities make her an inspiring – and challenging – artist to pose for. I’ve learned a lot from Janet, I hope she knows that. Working with her has been one of  the most rewarding of all my art modeling experiences.

Janet and I have collaborated on a few paintings and one of them, much to our delight, will be exhibited among the many terrific works in the upcoming Alex Adam Gallery show. Yay! And here it is. By Janet Cook, this is The Light on the Dark Side of Me. It’s 48″ x 48″, oil on panel, and the model is, of course, yours truly

Thursday, October 8, 2009

big bust party×5s8xol

Monday, October 5, 2009

Vanessa Hudgens muy sexy en un vestido morado

 Nuestra muy amada Vanessa Hudgens, la niña enseñadora, cada vez se pone mejor. El estiron de la edad le sento de maravilla a sus suaves carnes, la cuales se han convertido en unas de las mas deseadas y admiradas de la comunidad pajillera. Y no podia ser de otra manera, pues es bien sabido en todo el mundo (menos en Francia e Italia, alli no hay hombres) que a esta zorrita-lolita le ha gustado enseñar piel desde que le salieron tetas. Claro, esto no es algo que nos moleste…¡al contrario! Y para que ven que no es asi, aqui les traemos una cuantas fotillos,  en la que la putilla en cuestion pasea por alguna alfombra roja con un vestido color paleta de uva, mostrando sus preciosas extremidades inferiores. Preciosa…





Friday, October 2, 2009

Esmalte da Semana: Nude

Nude é o novo bege. É a cor do momento há algum tempo. Portanto, essa semana, não tive dúvidas de qual seria o esmalte escolhido: Nude, da Risqué.

Esmalte Nude – Risqué

Que cor linda!!! Ela  é  de extremo bom gosto, nem um pouco exagerada, que combina com tudo, qualquer roupa, qualquer humor.

O esmalte é bem cremoso, fácil de aplicar e com duas camadas tem-se o resultado da foto.

Talvez esse esmalte da Risqué combine melhor com um tom de pele mais claro que o meu se o intuito for “desaparecer”, como é o objetivo usual quando se usa essa cor. Mas, como pode-se ver, ainda com o meu tom ficou ótimo.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Male Prostitute For Women: Most Famous London Escort Photographers

I’m Nigel Tomm and this is my new photo installation (Most Famous Photography by Most Popular, Interesting & Influential Portraits of Sexy Amateur Nude as People or Famous Photographers in One Person Series). Title:

Male Prostitute For Women: Most Famous London Escort Photographers (2009)




Nigel Tomm — The Most Expensive Art Prostitute in the World.